Hello, and welcome! Glad to see you've discovered Zektbach~ it's true though, it's fairly small here... videos would be great, I'd love to see more people discover it! I myself did a panel at a convention with some friends about a year ago which is also on youtube. Though we were limited to an hour so we hardly got to go in depth about some parts as I would have liked *coughwenkamuicough*
Yeaaah, not much has been happening recently. I DO need to get back to translating the part of the guidebook I said I would, but I suppose I've been lazy about that recently, sorry! Wow, even this forum has been dead recently...
I got my drama cds from konamistyle itself, by using "white rabbit express", a buying service, though they charge a bit extra, so if it's true that they can be found on CDJapan etc, like Jezza said, that's a much better option!